Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 1

This is the beautiful view I wake up to every morning!

I am completely obsessed with this wonderful country. I have met some fantastic people, from Ireland, Canada, the east coast of the US, and even good old Chapman. We've already had way too much fun and theres only more to come.

The weather is absolutely freezing, but I must say I think I'm slowly getting used to it. I have my own room in a 6 bedroom dorm apartment. I have my own bathroom, a huge bed and most importantly A HEATER! I just met my roommates Sunday when they moved in (so yes I was all alone in a huge apartment in a foreign country for almost a week) They all seem very nice and I'm looking forward to getting to know them better!

I've successfully experienced some pubs, the downtown city center, and have slowly been picking up on the irish lingo. We're still trying to figure out the cultural norms and anything from what side of the sidewalk to walk on to whether or not you should tip taxi cab drivers.

I had a bit of a scare the other day when I was told there is no ranch dressing in ireland BUT I did find out last night that it does exist but they call it garlic sauce instead. We've already made multiple trips to the city to get groceries and then had to trek not only through the city but 15 min across campus in the freezing cold with extremely heavy bags of groceries.

I've met some FANTASTIC people like I said and Irish people are so nice. For those of you who know my recent incident with a not so respectable boy...well let's just say I've moved on ;)

We get some pretty strange looks from people when they hear us talking. It sucks because we get pegged as Americans right away. We asked one guy if it was our accents that gave us away and he said that and our straight white teeth. Basically, we walk around and something about us just screams American...trying to fix that.

It finally rained for the first time today and you know how much I love the rain! We also have a Farmer's Market on campus every Tuesday and finding out they had sushi just made my day. Classes have been alright but they're just introductions so far and we have two weeks to shop around and decide what we'll be taking.

More updates to come! Love and miss you all!


  1. Thanks Courtney...I'm so excited to hear about your adventures in the land of the leprechauns...keep smiling with those straight white teeth, and show them what Americans are really like. Love you, Auntie Kathy

  2. Yeah Courtney. Thanks for the shivery update. If you would like me to send you a pair of those "hick" teeth from the halloween store, let me know. Love, Auntie Molly.

  3. Sounds like you are having a blast!!! I need to hear about all the fun Irish food you're trying too :)

  4. Yayyyyy . Let's skype. I need to hear more details

  5. Happy to know you are so happy!

    Love you...Mom
